Thursday, October 15, 2009

Reminder - Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser

Just a reminder to mark Thursday, October 29 from 5pm-8pm on your calendar for the Chick-Fail-A Fundraiser. It's an easy way to raise a lot of money for our group!! Whitney will be sending out an email soon with details. Please forward that to EVERYONE you know and tell them to come by or use the drive through.

Also, if you haven't done so already please sign up to work the prize wheel. It's only 30 minutes and your contribution will be much appreciated!! There will be a sign up sheet at this Wednesday's meeting.

October Moms Night Out

Thank you Mary Beth for planning such a fun Moms Night Out at Haute Pottery. We had fun creating our masterpieces!

Friday, October 9, 2009

MOPS 2 Survey Results

1) Originally from Colorado?
  • yes 29%
  • no 71%
2) Did you work outside the home before having children?
  • yes 100%
3) Beach or the Mountains?
  • beach 86%
  • mountains 10%
  • both 5%
4) Cats or Dogs?
  • dogs 86%
  • cats 10%
  • neither 5%
5) Coffee or Soda?
  • coffee 48%
  • soda 43%
  • neither 5%
  • other - latte 5%
6) Pie or Cake?
  • pie 43%
  • cake 52%
  • both 5%
7) Morning or night person?
  • morning 29%
  • night 62%
  • neither 10%
8) Sweet or salty foods?
  • sweet 62%
  • salty 19%
  • both 14%
  • neither 5%
9) If you could makeover one room in your house, which would it be?
  • master bedroom 48%
  • kitchen 33%
  • basement 10% office 5%
  • living room 5%
10) Dr. Phil or Oprah?
  • Dr. Phil 33%
  • Oprah 52%
  • neither 5%
11) Favorite children’s show?
  • Backyardigans 10%
  • Dora 10%
  • Micky Mouse Clubhouse 10%
  • Olivia 5%
  • Wow Wow Wubbzy 5%
  • Max & Ruby 5%
  • Oswald 5%
  • Handy Manny 5%
  • Spongebob 5%
  • Scooby Doo 5%
  • Sid the Science Kid 5%
  • Phineas & Ferb 5%
  • Imagination Movers 5%
  • Muppet Show 5%
  • Johnny Test 5%
  • Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood 5%
  • none 5%
12) English or Math?
  • english 52%
  • math 43%
  • neither 5%
13) Cinderella or Belle?
  • Cinderella 52%
  • Belle 43%
  • neither 5%
14) Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry?
  • chocolate 57%
  • vanilla 19%
  • strawberry 24%
15) Shower or Snooze Button?
  • shower 24%
  • snooze 76%

Trunk-or-Treat - Friday, 10/30 at 10am

Bring your little ones dressed in their oh-so-cute costumes to trunk-or-treat in the upper parking lot a PEPC. Join us afterwards for a potluck lunch.

More details will follow.