Sunday, November 22, 2009

MOPS Cookbooks for Sale

Great for teachers, neighbors, family and friends!

PEPC MOPS is proud to offer a treasured collection of recipes from many outstanding cooks whose recipe contributions have made this cookbook possible.

200 recipes including appetizers, soups, salads, side dishes, main dishes, desserts, cookies and much more PLUS 16 pages of helpful cooking hints.
Contact any MOPS member to purchase!

MOPS 2 Bakesale

The bakesale was a huge success! Thanks to everyone who helped bake and work the bakesale.

Allicia and Heidi kick off the bakesale.

Lots of goodies.

Maria, Whitney, Bobbi, Mitzie and Mary Beth are all smiles.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

MOPS 2 Bakesale Sunday, November 22!

The following people are scheduled to work Sunday:

Cari Follett
Jenn Andre

Maria Vargas
Mary Beth

Jenny Maynard

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Reminder - Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser

Just a reminder to mark Thursday, October 29 from 5pm-8pm on your calendar for the Chick-Fail-A Fundraiser. It's an easy way to raise a lot of money for our group!! Whitney will be sending out an email soon with details. Please forward that to EVERYONE you know and tell them to come by or use the drive through.

Also, if you haven't done so already please sign up to work the prize wheel. It's only 30 minutes and your contribution will be much appreciated!! There will be a sign up sheet at this Wednesday's meeting.

October Moms Night Out

Thank you Mary Beth for planning such a fun Moms Night Out at Haute Pottery. We had fun creating our masterpieces!

Friday, October 9, 2009

MOPS 2 Survey Results

1) Originally from Colorado?
  • yes 29%
  • no 71%
2) Did you work outside the home before having children?
  • yes 100%
3) Beach or the Mountains?
  • beach 86%
  • mountains 10%
  • both 5%
4) Cats or Dogs?
  • dogs 86%
  • cats 10%
  • neither 5%
5) Coffee or Soda?
  • coffee 48%
  • soda 43%
  • neither 5%
  • other - latte 5%
6) Pie or Cake?
  • pie 43%
  • cake 52%
  • both 5%
7) Morning or night person?
  • morning 29%
  • night 62%
  • neither 10%
8) Sweet or salty foods?
  • sweet 62%
  • salty 19%
  • both 14%
  • neither 5%
9) If you could makeover one room in your house, which would it be?
  • master bedroom 48%
  • kitchen 33%
  • basement 10% office 5%
  • living room 5%
10) Dr. Phil or Oprah?
  • Dr. Phil 33%
  • Oprah 52%
  • neither 5%
11) Favorite children’s show?
  • Backyardigans 10%
  • Dora 10%
  • Micky Mouse Clubhouse 10%
  • Olivia 5%
  • Wow Wow Wubbzy 5%
  • Max & Ruby 5%
  • Oswald 5%
  • Handy Manny 5%
  • Spongebob 5%
  • Scooby Doo 5%
  • Sid the Science Kid 5%
  • Phineas & Ferb 5%
  • Imagination Movers 5%
  • Muppet Show 5%
  • Johnny Test 5%
  • Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood 5%
  • none 5%
12) English or Math?
  • english 52%
  • math 43%
  • neither 5%
13) Cinderella or Belle?
  • Cinderella 52%
  • Belle 43%
  • neither 5%
14) Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry?
  • chocolate 57%
  • vanilla 19%
  • strawberry 24%
15) Shower or Snooze Button?
  • shower 24%
  • snooze 76%

Trunk-or-Treat - Friday, 10/30 at 10am

Bring your little ones dressed in their oh-so-cute costumes to trunk-or-treat in the upper parking lot a PEPC. Join us afterwards for a potluck lunch.

More details will follow.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

MOPS needs substitute teachers


MOPS 1 and MOPS 2 is in need of substitute teachers. If you would like to substitute for MOPS 1 and make a little extra cash, they meet from 9:15-12:15 the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. Pay is $30. You can bring your own children. Also, if you know someone who would like to substitute for MOPS 2 please let them know as well. If you are interested, please call Tara Gonzales at 303-805-2012.

Reminder - Moms Night Out - Friday, September 25

Join us for a fun relaxing night without interruptions!
Pizza and a movie at Mary Beth Barry's
Friday Sep 25, 6:30pm
Mary Beth Barry's House

Dianne Daniels

We really enjoyed Dianne Daniel's talk on Wednesday. Some Moms have asked how they get more information about her. Here are links to her blog and website. To email Dianne contact her at

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ave Maria Fall Festival Fundraiser

Sunday, September 13, 10am

Here is a reminder of the schedule and also who is bringing what.

Volunteer Schedule:

  • 9:30-11:30 (set up) - Kay and Andrea
  • 11:30-1:30 - Allicia
  • 1:30-3:30 - Kyla
  • 3:30-4:30-ish (clean up) - Maria
Below is a list of things we could still use: All of these items are available at Costco in individual packages which is something we think will go over well with the kids. You obviously can buy your items anywhere but we thought this would be convenient for everyone.

  • Apple crisps
  • Animal Crackers
  • Granola Bars
  • Fruit (bananas, apples, grapes, or pears)
Already signed up:

  • Maria - chocolate chip cookies
  • Donna - 2 cases of trail mix
  • Cari - cookies/brownies
  • Maria - 2 boxes of juice boxes
  • Jen E - something yummy from costco :)
  • Jessica - 1 box juice boxes
  • Bobbi - rice crispy treats
  • Rhonda - juice boxes
  • Marci - ?
  • Jenny - grapes
  • Mary Beth - cookies
  • Heidi - box of juice boxes
  • Kim K - sweet bread
  • Dana - gushers
  • Kyla - fruit snacks
  • Whitney - 2 cases of juice boxes and fruit roll ups
  • Jennifer A - gold fish
How to package things:
Please have all items that are not already individually wrapped packaged in groups of three. You don't need to do anything with juice boxes. Fruit can be packaged individually (apples, pears or bananas) or for 2-3 people. Please make sure that other fruit items are packaged in a sanitary way that lessons their chance of decaying or "sweating." For those bringing a baked good could you please bring a min of 2 dozen of that item? If you still need to sign up or would like to bring more, please note that in the comments section or email Mary Beth.

Drop off:
You have 3 options for dropping off your items. You can drop them off at Kay or Andrea's house on Fri or Sat. or at Ave Maria between 9:30-10:30 on Sunday, 9/13. If dropping off at Kay or Andrea's please email them to give them an fyi of when you will approximately be dropping things off . You can leave things on the front porches or Andrea will also have a cooler on her porch for you to use.

Thanks to everyone who is able to help out with our fundraiser.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our First Meeting

Thanks to everyone for a great first meeting! It was wonderful to see so many new faces and also have so many returning members. A special thanks to Whitney and Mary Beth for the fantastic table decorations!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

PEPC Mops 2 Family BBQ at the Aurora Reservoir

A BIG BIG Thank you to Mary Beth and Kay for planning this wonderful event!!! Many of us made it out to the Aurora Reservoir for a fun day with our family and friends. Thanks also to Whitney's husband Chris for manning the grill. The food was excellent! What a great way to kick off the year!

The End!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cookbook Fundraiser

Please find your FIVE favorite recipes and e-mail them to by September 2nd. We are partnering with PEPC MOPS 1 for a cookbook fundraiser to benefit our groups this year. These wonderful cookbooks will be sold at our November bake sale.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Location: Aurora Reservoir, 5800 South Powhaton Road, Aurora, CO
When: Saturday, August 29, 11:00am to 2:00pm

In order to get our new MOPS II year off to a great start we will be hosting a family BBQ at the Aurora Reservoir. The BBQ will be held at the Plaza Gazebo which is located right on the swim beach so make sure to bring your swim suits, sunscreen, buckets, and shovels. There's a beautiful park by the beach that has a terrific playground too so there will be a lot to keep the kiddos busy and happy.

We are hoping to have some cool raffle prizes available too so we hope you can join us for this fun event.

We will be supplying the burgers, hot dogs, rolls, condiments, soda and water. If anyone is willing to bring a side dish please respond to me and include the dish that you would like to bring so that we don't have a lot of duplicates.

Even though we have an end time of 2:00 we have the Gazebo until 4:00 in case you and your family would like to stay longer.

FYI-Every car has to purchase a $10 day pass to get into the reservoir park area.

If you would like more info on the Reservoir please visit: